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woman with brown hair and silver stud earring Salv.I had forgot to ask, with what velocity it’s supposed in this specific experiment, that the chariot runneth. Salv.I’ve generally thought-about of it, and make no query, that if one may be certain of the nature of that movement wherewith the grave physique descendeth to method the centre of the Terrestrial Globe, mixing it self afterwards with the widespread circular movement of the diurnal conversion; it is perhaps precisely found what kind of line that’s, that the centre of gravity of the moveable describeth in those two motions. Nature by no means makes use thereof, since that, even that that use, which was from the beginning granted to it, which was of decreasing the parts of integral bodies to their place, after they have been separated from their entire, and therefore constituted in a depraved disposition, is taken from it, and assigned to the circular movement. For these birds which at their pleasure flie forwards and backwards, and wind to and again in a thousand fashions, and, which more importeth, lie complete hours upon the wing, these I say don’t a little pose me, nor do I see, how amongst so many circumgyrations, they shouldn’t lose the movement of the Earth, and how they needs to be ready to keep tempo with so nice a velocity as that which they to date exceed with their flight.

We’ll subsequently reserve the occasion of birds to the last place, and for the present, see if we can give Simplicius satisfaction within the others, by shewing him in our wonted method, that he himself hath their solutions at hand, though upon first ideas he doth not discover them. Sagr.The flying of the birds as much puzzleth me because the objection of the Gun-shot, and all the opposite experiments above alledged. Salv.This could necessarily comply with, if it have been concluded that the Terrestrial Globe moveth circularly; a thing, which I pretend not to be done, but have onely hitherto attempted, as I shall still, to study the strength of these causes, which have been alledged by Philosophers to show the immobility of the Earth, of which this first taken from issues falling perpendicularly, hath begat the doubts, that have been mentioned; which I know not of what force they might have seemed to Simplicius; and therefore earlier than I passe to the examination of the remaining arguments, it can be handy that he produce what he hath to reply to the contrary.

Whence followeth the third surprise,It moveth with an uniform, not an accelerate movement. But that the business, as to the motion of descending grave bodies, proceedeth precisely thus, I will not presently affirm; but this I will say, that if the road described by the cadent moveable be not precisely the same with this, it doth extream neerly resemble the same. If subsequently within the circumference C D, certain equal components C F, F G, G H, H L, be marked, and from the factors F, G, H, L, right traces be drawn in the direction of the centre A, the components of them intercepted between the 2 circumferences C D and B I, shall signify unto us the same Tower C B, transported by the Terrestrial Globe in the direction of D I; during which lines the points the place they come to be intersected by the arch of the semicircle C I, are the locations by which every now and then the falling stone doth passe; which points go regularly with larger and larger proportion receding from the top of the Tower. However for my perfect satisfaction I’d gladly hear the way you show these arches to be equal. Minor dispensations concern impediments of relationship or affinity of the third and the fourth levels within the collateral line, whether or not of equal degrees, or of unequal levels – i.

Salv.If the right movement in direction of the centre of the Earth was uniforme, the circular in direction of the East being also uniforme, you would see composed of them each a motion by a spiral line, of that form with those defined by Archimedes in his Book De Spiralibus; that are, when a point moveth uniformly upon a right line, whilest that line in the imply time turneth uniformly about one in all its extreme points fixed, as the centre of his gyration. It being supposed therefore, that the progresse of the acceleration being after this method, and it being moreover true, that the descending grave body goeth to terminate within the centre of the Earth,The line described by a moveable in its pure descent, the movement of the Earth about its own centre being presupposed, would most likely be the circumference of a circle. Tower, or to talk extra correctly, from the circumference of the circle described by the highest of the Tower, by the use of the Earths conversion; however that such recessions be lesser and lesser in infinitum; by how much the moveable finds it self to be lesse and lesse removed from the first term where it rested.