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Copernicus unto their Adversaries: I mean of yielding to them sure experiments for sure and sure, which yet the Adversaries themselves had by no means made tryal of: as for example, that of issues falling from the round-top of a ship whilst it’s in movement, and lots of others; amongst which I verily believe, that this of experimenting whether the shot made by a Canon in direction of the East proveth too high, and the Western shot too low, is one: and because I imagine that they have by no means made tryal thereof, I need that they might inform me what distinction they assume must occur between the said shots, supposing the Earth moveable, or supposing it moveable; and let Simplicius for this time answer for them. Now if I shall tell you, that this variation (I mean of falling two inches short of what they might do in case the Earth didn’t transfer) upon triall doth happen in all photographs, how will you persuade me Simplicius, shewing me by an experiment that it is not so? And all this hath been spoken and granted on good grounds to Simplicius, and only with an intent to promote him how a lot it importeth to be cautious in granting many experiments for true to those who by no means had tried them, but only eagerly alledged them just as they must be for the serving their function: That is spoken, I say, by way of surplussage and Corollary to Simplicius, for the true truth is,Experiments and arguments in opposition to the Earths movement appear to this point concluding, as they lie hid under equivokes.
Salv.But this maketh in opposition to your self Simplicius, for that the wind being laid that filling the sails drove on the ship, yet neverthelesse doth it without help of the medium continue its course. The holding subsequently of the gun regularly directed towards the mark, maketh the shoot hit right, and that you may keep your gun directed to the mark, in case the mark stands still, you need to also hold your gun nonetheless; and if the mark shall transfer, the gun should be saved upon the mark by transferring.The answer to the objection taken from the shots of nice Guns made in the direction of the North and South. In shooting with a fantastic Gun both it and the mark transfer with equal velocity, being both transported by the movement of the Terrestrial Globe: and albeit sometimes the piece being planted more in the direction of the Pole, than the mark, and consequently its movement being somewhat flower than the movement of the mark, as being made in a lesser circle, such a difference is insensible, at that little distance of the piece from the mark: but in the shot of the Fowler the motion of the Fowling-piece wherewith it goeth following the chicken, may be very slow in comparison of the flight of the stated hen; whence me thinks it should comply with, that that small motion which the turning of the Birding-piece conferreth on the bullet that is within it, can not, when it is once gone forth of it, multiply it self in the air, untill it come to equal the velocity of the birds flight, in order that the mentioned bullet ought to always keep direct upon it: nay, me thinketh the bird would anticipate it and depart it behind.
And now from this discourse allow us to come to understand the reason of a Venatorian Problem, of these Fowlers who with their guns shoot a bird flying; and since I did think about, that in regard the bird flieth a fantastic pace, therefore they need to intention their shot far from the chook, anticipating its flight for a certain house, and more or less in line with its velocity and the distance of the chook, that so the bullet hasting directly to the mark aimed at, it’d come to arrive at the self identical time in the same level with its motion, and the bird with its flight, and by which means one to encounter the opposite: and asking one in all them, if their practise was not so to do; He told me, no; but that the slight was very easie and certain, and that they took purpose simply in the identical manner as if they’d shot at a bird that did sit nonetheless; that is, they made the flying fowl their mark, and by transferring their fowling-piece they followed her, holding their intention still full upon her, until such time as they let fly, and in this method shot her as they did others sitting still.
And casting any factor in the direction of your buddy, you want not throw it with more power a technique then another, supplied the distances be equal: and leaping, as the saying is, together with your feet closed, you’ll attain as far a technique as one other. In leaping you shall reach as far upon the ground, as earlier than; nor for that the Ship moveth shall you make a higher leap towards the poop than in direction of the prow; howbeit in the time that you staid within the Air, the floor underneath your ft shall have run the contrary strategy to that of your bounce; and throwing any factor to your companion you shall not must solid it with extra strength that it may reach him, if he shall be towards the prow, and you in direction of the poop, then if you stood in a contrary situation; the drops shall all distill as before into the inferiour bottle, and never so much as one shall fall in the direction of the poop, albeit whil’st the drop is in the Air, the Ship shall have run many ft; the Fishes of their water shall not swim with more trouble in direction of the fore-part, than towards the hinder part of the tub; but shall with equal velocity make to the bait positioned on any side of the tub; and lastly, the flies and gnats shall continue their flight indifferently in direction of all elements; nor shall they ever happen to be pushed collectively towards the aspect of the Cabbin subsequent the prow, as in the event that they were wearied with following the swift course of the Ship, from which by way of their suspension within the Air, that they had been lengthy separated; and if burning a few graines of incense you make a bit of smoke, you shall see it ascend on high, and there in method of a cloud suspend it self, and transfer indifferently, not inclining more to at least one facet than one other: and of this correspondence of results the trigger is for that the Ships motion is widespread to all the things contained in it, and to the Air additionally; I mean if those things be shut up in the Cabbin: but in case these things have been above deck in the open Air, and never obliged to follow the course of the Ship, variations more or lesse notable could be observed in a number of the fore-named effects, and there may be little doubt but that the smoke would keep behind as a lot as the Air it self; the flies also, and the gnats being hindered by the Air would not be able to comply with the motion of the Ship, if they were separated at any distance from it.