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1115 m., and an space greater than three times that of England; is mountainous, volcanic, lined in central parts by virgin forest, abounds in rivers and lakes, and possesses an exceptionally wealthy flora and peculiar fauna; rainfall is abundant; some gold and coal are worked, however the chief products are rice, sugar, coffee, tobacco, petroleum, pepper, &c.; the island is primarily beneath Dutch control, however a lot of the unexplored centre is still within the arms of savage tribes who have waged continuous warfare with their European invaders. Sutherland (22), a maritime county of N. Scotland; presents a N. and a W. shore to the Atlantic, between Ross and Cromarty (S.) and Caithness (E.), and faces the North Sea on the SE., whence the land slopes upwards to the nice mountain area and wild, precipitous loch-indented coasts of the W. and N.; scarcely three per cent, of the area is cultivated, however giant numbers of sheep and cattle are raised; the Oykell is the longest (35 m.) of many streams, and Loch Shin the biggest of 300 lochs; there are intensive deer forests and grouse moors, while worthwhile salmon and herring fisheries exist spherical the coasts; is essentially the most sparsely populated county in Scotland.
This suggests that while chemical signaling is vital, visual cues play an equally vital function in guiding people. They’re appropriate for alone and in tandem play. Swahili (i. e. coast individuals), a individuals of combined Bantu and Arab stock occupying Zanzibar and the adjoining territory from nearly Mombasa to Mozambique; they are an enterprising race, and are dispersed as traders, hunters, carriers, &c., far and broad over Central Africa. Sun, The, is a star; is the centre of the photo voltaic system, as it is in consequence called, is a globe consisting of a mass of vapour at white heat, and of such monumental measurement that it is 500 times bigger than all the planets of the system put together, or of a bulk a million and a half instances better than the earth, from which it is ninety-two and a half million miles distant; the vibrant floor of it is known as the photosphere, and this brightness is diversified with brighter spots referred to as faculæ, and dark ones called sun-spots, and by watching which latter as they move over the sun’s disk we find it takes 25 days to revolve on its axis, and by way of spectrum analysis (q. Sumbawa (150), one of many Sunda Islands, mendacity between Lombok (W.) and Flores (E.); mountainous and dangerously volcanic; yields rice, tobacco, cotton, &c.; is divided amongst 4 native rulers below Dutch authority.
Surinam. See Guiana, Dutch. See varied islands named. Sumatra (3,572, together with adjoining islands), after Borneo the biggest of the East Indian islands, stretches SE. Kent (E.) and Hampshire (W.), with Sussex on the S., separated from Middlesex on the N. by the Thames; the North Downs traverse the county E. and W., slope gently to the Thames, and precipitously within the S. to the level Weald; typically presents a ravishing prospect of hill and heatherland adorned with splendid woods; the Wey and the Mole are the principal streams; hops are extensively grown round Farnham; largest city is Croydon; the county city, Guildford. Swale, a river in the North Riding of Yorkshire, uniting, after a course of 60 miles, with the Ure to form the Ouse. Susquehanna, a river of America, formed by the junction at Northumberland, Pennsylvania, of the North Branch (350 m.) flowing out of Schuyler Lake, central New York, and the West Branch (250 m.) rising within the Alleghany Mountains; flows in a shallow, fast, unnavigable course S. and SE. Svir, a Russian river that flows into Lake Ladoga. Superior, Lake, largest contemporary-water lake on the globe, lies between the United States and Canada, the boundary line passing by means of the centre; area, 31,200 sq. m., nearly the scale of Ireland; most depth, 1008 ft.; St. Mary’s River, the only outlet, a brief fast stream, carries the overflow to Lake Huron; receives upwards of 200 rivers, however none of first-class significance, largest is the St. Louis; is dotted with quite a few islands; water is singularly clear and pure, and abounds with fish; navigation is hindered in winter by shore-ice, but the lake never freezes over.
Bound has aged well to the purpose where one can enjoy the movie without serious about that narrative subversion and simply get pleasure from Tilly and Gershon’s chemistry, and Corky and Violet getting one over the male-dominated mob. Nothing materials occurred till the 31st, when about three o’clock in the afternoon they noticed two islands, one bearing north-east, half east, seven leagues, and the other east by south, about six leagues distant. Suwarrow or Suvoroff, Russian area-marshal, born at Moscow; entered the military as a private soldier, distinguished himself within the Seven Years’ War, and after 20 years’ service rose to command; in command of a division he in 1773 routed an army of the Turks past the Danube, and in 1783 he reduced a tribe of Tartars beneath the Russian yoke; his best exploit perhaps was his storming of Ismail, which had resisted all attempts to reduce it for seven months, and which he, but with revolting barbarities nonetheless, in three days succeeded by an indiscriminate massacre of 40,000 of the inhabitants; his despatch thereafter to Queen Catharine was “Glory to God and the Empress, Ismail is ours!