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The base of the fore wings is of the latter color; there may be then a transverse bar of the identical before the middle, from which the inside margin of the wing is broadly white, that color blending at the posterior extremity with another broad waved stripe from the anterior border somewhat past the middle; the brown semicircular area in the midst of the wing bounded by these white parts, bears a small spherical white spot within the centre, and there is a waved white streak on the apex of the wing; the whole of the white components are waved and clouded with gentle brown. The top and thorax are variously marked with white, the latter with two small round white spots anteriorly, and a large posterior patch bearing a very faint resemblance to a death’s-head; three anterior segments of the abdomen with a large yellow round spot on every aspect. This prettily marked insect affords a really characteristic instance of that part of sphinges which presents a particular modification within the type of the anterior wings, a peculiarity associated with one other in the appearance of the caterpillars, which are rather immediately attenuated in front, and have the power of drawing these narrowed segments within one another.
Anterior wings black, with a considerable variety of small spots scattered over the floor, five of which, positioned in direction of the base, are yellow, the remaining white; the nervures from the middle to the apex are every accompanied by a darkish pink stripe; posterior wings black from the base to past the center, with a few white spots encircled with blue, the exterior part good mazarine blue, with a considerable variety of white spots: abdomen deep blue, all of the segments having a small white spot on every aspect. The antennæ of C. imperialis are reddish-brown; head, thorax, and abdomen yellow, the 2 latter with various clouds and spots of mild reddish-brown with a purple gloss. At day light on Sunday August tenth, Lieutenant Shortland set his steering sails, and bore away to the north-west, so as to make extra distinctly the islands seen the previous night. Thorax mild grey anteriorly, the opposite components black; abdomen likewise black, the extremity orange.
55), varies very a lot in color, being generally, as these authors categorical it, tawny like a negro, at different occasions orange and tawny, and sometimes green. The caterpillar when full grown is about 5 inches and a half in length; of a yellowish-green colour, inclining in some locations to blue, each section armed with just a few black setose spines. 2. At first, the leaf enveloping the cocoon remains green, but quickly adjustments to a pink or brown color, when it turns into brittle, and is regularly carried away by the winds and storms of the winter, until lastly nothing stays except the cocoon itself, which is firmly suspended by the silk which once lined the footstalk of the leaf. They’re annual, and are stated to remain in the cocoon nine months, and to be three months within the egg and worm state. The crests on the tail and trunk of many lizards, e.g. Iguanidae, are fully tegumentary buildings and not supported by the axial skeleton, except in some chameleons, e.g. Ch.
Abbot discovered one to enter the ground on the 16th June, and the fly got here out on the twenty seventh July; another on the fifth August, and remained in the chrysalis till May ninth. The chrysalis is comparatively quick and thick, with a small mucro on the tail, and the edges of the segments with out spinulæ; in these respects differing much from the chrysalis of C. imperialis, which is relatively slender and elongated, the tail of appreciable size and bifid on the extremity, and the edges of the segments armed with a regular series of spines. What the mother did, the baby does, and you might even see eventually six worms forming one continuous line, with only one tail for the six. It may be known as polyphagous, feeding on Indian corn, dogwood, sassafras, &c. 1st, That the cocoons of the insect, which feeds on the Byer leaf, are known as by the natives Bughy, producing a Tusseh silk. In most of the Lophobranchii (Pipe-fish, Hippocampi, &c.) the males have both marsupial sacks or hemispherical depressions on the abdomen, in which the ova laid by the feminine are hatched. With regard to testaceans, of the walking or creeping species the urchin seems to have the least developed sense of smell; and, of the stationary species, the ascidian and the barnacle.