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Scott, Sir Walter, the good romancer, born in Edinburgh, via each father and mother of Scottish Border blood; his father, a lawyer, a man “who handed from the cradle to the grave without making an enemy or losing a pal,” his mom somewhat kindly woman, filled with most vivid memories, awakening an interest in him to which he owed much; was a wholesome little one, but from teething and other causes misplaced the usage of his right limb when 18 months old, which determined, to a marked extent, the course of his life; spent lots of the months of his childhood within the nation, where he acquired that affection for all natural objects which by no means left him, and a kindliness of soul which all the lower animals that approached him have been quick to recognise; he was from the first home-bred, and to realise the like around his own particular person was his fondest dream, and if he failed, as it chanced he did, his vexation was due to not the fabric loss it involved, however to the blight it shed on his house life and the catastrophe on his domestic relationships; his faculty training yielded outcomes of the smallest account to his normal schooling, and a writer of books himself, he owed much less to e-book-data than his own shrewd remark; he proceeded from the college (the High school, it was) at 15 to his father’s workplace and classes on the University, and at both he continued to develop his personal bent more than the research of regulation or learning; at his sixteenth yr the bursting of a blood-vessel prostrated him in bed and enforced a period of good stillness, however during this time he was in a position to prosecute sundry quiet research, and laid up in his reminiscence nice stores of information, for his mind was of that wholesome high quality which assimilated all that was congenial to it and let all that didn’t concern it slip idly through, attaining thereby his best victory, that of changing into an altogether complete man.
Schweinfurth, Georg August, German traveller in Africa, born at Riga; wrote “The Heart of Africa,” which supplies an account of his travels among the mid-African tribes; b. RIDLEY: I remember you saying that when you take pictures with folks, you’ll be able to feel their heart racing, and it humanizes them. Howe can get away with taking Saudi cash as Newcastle boss but, as Carsley has found, when you’re the England supervisor, you’re subjected to an entirely totally different degree of scrutiny. By Hyatt Howe Waggoner. Scotland (4,026), the northern portion of the island of Great Britain, separated from England by the Solway, Cheviots, and Tweed, and bounded N. and W. by the Atlantic and E. by the German Ocean; inclusive of 788 islands (600 uninhabited), its space, divided into 33 counties, is barely multiple-half of England’s, but has a coast-line longer by 700 m.; greatest size from Dunnet Head (most northerly point) to Mull of Galloway (most southerly) is 288 m., while the breadth varies from 32 to 175, Buchan Ness being the eastmost level and Ardnamurchan Point the westmost; from wealthy pastoral uplands in the S.-Cheviots, Moffat Hills, Lowthers, Moorfoots, and Lammermoors-the country slopes down to the wide, fertile lowland plain-rising fine crops of oats barley, wheat, &c.-which stretches, with a various breadth of from 30 to 60 m., up to the Grampians (highest peak Ben Nevis, 4406 ft.), whence the nation sweeps northwards, a wild and stunning tract of mountain, valley, and moorland, diversified by some of the best loch and river surroundings in the world; the east and west coasts current exceptional contrasts, the latter rugged, irregular, and sometimes precipitous, penetrated by lengthy sea-lochs and fringed with quite a few islands, and mild and humid in local weather; the former low and regular, with few islands or inlets, and cold, dry, and bracing; of rivers the Tweed, Forth, Tay, Dee, and Clyde are the principal, and the Orkneys, Shetlands, and Hebrides the chief island groups; coal and iron abound in the lowlands, more especially in the plain of the Forth and Clyde, and granite within the Grampians; staple industries are the manufacture of cottons, woollens, linen, jute, equipment, hardware, paper, and shipbuilding, of which Glasgow is the centre and commercial metropolis, while Edinburgh (capital) is the chief seat of regulation, education, &c.; of cultivated land the share varies from 74.Eight in Fife to 2.4 in Sutherland, and over all is barely 24.2; good roads, canals, in depth railway and telegraph methods knit all components of the country together; Presbyterianism is the established type of religion, and in 1872 the outdated parish schools were supplanted by a national system beneath college-boards much like England; the lowlanders and highlanders still retain distinctive characteristics of their Teutonic and Celtic progenitors, the latter talking in many parts of the Highlands their native Gaelic; initially the house of the Picts (q.
Lübeck; has a 14th-century cathedral, Renaissance castle, arsenal, &c., and manufactures of lacquered ware, machinery, &c. Scutari (50), a town of Turkey in Asia, on the Bosporus, reverse Constantinople; has a number of fine mosques, bazaars, &c.; large barracks on the outskirts have been used as hospitals by Florence Nightingale in the course of the Crimean War; has giant and impressive cemeteries; chief manufactures are of silks, cottons, &c. Professionally he was a lawyer, and a very good lawyer, but the duties of his profession were not his chief curiosity, and though he acquired at length a sheriffship worth £300 a year, and a clerkship to the courtroom worth £1500, he early turned his mind to hunt promotion elsewhere, and chose a literary career. These are united into one thread, and made fast to a bit of wood, with something heavy to make it spin round whereas suspended by the thread: when they let out adequate of the cocoons from their hand, it’s twisted by this piece of wood spinning spherical, and when properly twisted, it’s wound round the wood, and one other length let out from the hand. Sealed Orders, the orders given the commanding officer of a ship or squadron which can be sealed up, which he is not allowed to open until he has proceeded a sure length into the high seas; an arrangement in order to make sure secrecy in a time of war.
Schwenckfeld, Caspar von, a Protestant sectary, born in Lower Silesia, of a noble household; as a student of the Scriptures embraced the Reformation, but differed from Luther on the matter of the dependence of the divine life on exterior ordinances, insisting, as George Fox afterwards did, on its derivation from inside; like Fox he travelled from place to position proclaiming this, and successful not a few disciples, and exposed himself to a lot persecution at the hands of men of whom better issues were to be expected, however he bore it all with a Christ-like meekness; died at Ulm; his writings have been treated with the same indignity as himself, and his followers were after his loss of life pushed from one place of refuge to a different, until the final remnant of them found shelter under the friendly wing of Count Zinzendorf (q. Except for a couple of wilsons who obtained completely smashed earlier than the concert even began (although I feel they weathered the opening gig much better than the rest of us in consequence) and tried to start out a mosh pit. Scholiasts, name given to a class of grammarians who appended annotations to the margins of the MSS.